Shielded bits and sockets U-Guard
Apex bits & Sockets » Shielded bits and sockets U-Guard

Apex u-Guard cov­ered tools suc­cess­fully: Im­prove op­er­a­tor safety when using fas­tener tools. Min­i­mize scratches, chips, and dents from in-sys­tem dam­age and mar­ring Apex u-Guard in­crease op­er­a­tor safety by sig­nif­i­cantly re­duc­ing or elim­i­nat­ing pinch points dur­ing glove use. The u-Guard, pro­vides a ro­bust cush­ion against costly in­ci­den­tal side im­pacts, in-sys­tem dam­age, and mar­ring.


  • Apex u-Guard ad­van­tages at a glance


- Increased operator safety
- Reduced in-system damage and marring
- Enhanced plant productivity
- Free-spinning design for improved ergonomics and safety
- Superior durability leading to significantly lower cost of ownership


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Apex U-Guards (De) [Download PDF]
Apex U-Guards (Eng) [Download PDF]
Apex U-Guards (Fr) [Download PDF]

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